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Well, thanks for the interest, truly, but if you are here, we are much alike or have similar interests. So, no big surprises here.

I’m John, and I’ve worked as both a network and voice (UC) engineer my entire career and always for large(r) multinational enterprises. I decided to move into the network automation space a few years ago. So, I started by learning some Python and scripting some of my daily tasks, mainly using Paramiko and Netmiko, instead of doing them manually. I also got the Cisco DevNet Associate cert and am working now on the DevNet Professional cert - because it’s always good to have some certs. There is a lot to learn still.

So, why this blog, then? Fair question. I guess I just want to share. Many times in my career, I was stuck with a problem, hitting a wall, and then stumbled upon a blog entry of a fellow engineer facing the same challenge and decided to share the solution, saving me from many headaches. I hope the information I share on this website will be helpful to someone else out there on the interwebs and protect them from unnecessary headaches, too.